Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Introductions served with a side of bad spelling:

The title is a lie, well part of it is anyway.

This is indeed an introductory post, but there will be no side serve of bad spelling, (sorry for all those hungry readers out there, ravenous for some literacy failure) I am, in fact, typing this out in Word. Before you scream cheat, although I imagine the vast majority are who have trouble spelling will be doing the same, I rather appear a cheat than a fool who didn’t listen to the good old primary school spelling lessons and who didn’t complete the good old primary school spelling homework. Believe me readers; I am paying for that mistake all these years later. How utterly macabre.

That was the introduction portion of my post. See, I revealed to you my life story, you already know the reason behind the existence of this blog, and now you and I dear reader have the foundations to be the best of friends.

Because I lack talent for the art of writing segways, I’m going to transition into my next subject of talk with a large and obnoxious title:

WEEK 2 LECTURE: KNOWLEDGE ABSORBED: Mmm I enjoy the subtlety

I'll offer a moment honesty right now, I am surprised how much I am enjoying the unit of Networked Media. It has simply broadened my perspective of importance of and within the web. Now, that is an incredibly broad claim, but let me further explain. For example, the concept of banwidth is now concreted in my mind with that darn ant analogy. Futhermore I've come to understand that there is a difference to copyright and trademark, something that my brain never particularly considered before (it's often too busy sorting through the desires to eat, sleep or stare at self in the mirror). So consequentially and in conclusion the past 2 lectures have heightened my insight into the very alive and functioning body of the internet beyond "OMGZ, I'M ON THE INTERWEBS!!11FACEBOOK.TWITTER.PORN." (Not really porn.)

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