Friday, February 26, 2010


< themesong > < /themesong > (If I was using XML, this would be legitimate)

HTML: Hyper Text Markup language

CSS: Cascading Style Sheets

XML: Extensible Markup Language

Prior to this week’s lecture, it never really crossed my mind that these terms were in fact acronyms. I lived by the philosophy “I don’t care what it means, I only care what it does.” This was another lesson that was learnt.

What we learnt #1: Acronyms, the world is run by them. There is significant difference between HTML and CSS. XML exists.

I am familiar with html, if only, somewhat vaguely. I became acquainted with html because in my youth, like I mean pre-pubescent youth, I had no friends (I actually did have friends, but they hated me). Html and I would spend hours working, my creative mind and its construction skills together creating wonderful web pages and layouts. I must admit that I couldn’t code off the top of my head, no I copied and pasted codes from html referencing guides.

What we learnt #2: Copying and pasting codes is still the only way to do it. Though you’ll never actually learn what it is you are copying and pasting. (I.e. “I don’t care what it is, I only care what it does.”)

It was relieving when Michael related that html couldn’t really be broke, which makes sense considering it is THE FOUNDATION OF WEB BUIDING. Building webs, then I guess html is much like a spider, and I am a fly getting caught, wallowing and getting devoured by html, there is no escape. Since html is the foundation of web site building, CSS and XML are further building blocks in the construction of a page.

What we learnt: #3: CSS: why didn’t you ever think to research what it actually was? CSS is the foundation of design, not structure like HTML. I suppose HTML is like the skeleton of the whole thing, whilst CSS is a layer of skin and make up.

Elements of design should exist separate to the main structure, CSS can be over riding, an overriding design that can be applied to a co0llection html pages, linking to it through code. That was probably the worst explanation ever, but regardless of my explanatory skills I do understand this, even if my explanatory skills give the impression that I do not. ONWARDS AND UPWARDS. This point (the point I was previously talking about in my explanation of CSS) was truly, once and for all emphasised by The Zen Garden and it’s inter-changeability of layout due to separate and external CSS pages.

The time came to actually write code.

What we learnt: #4: When you fail CSS, (because let's face it, CSS really can't fail you. "It was all studpid CSS's fault." SURREE IT WASSS...idiot.) frustration, howling and broken moniters ensue.

With that I will conclude this very obtuse recount of WHAT WE LEARNT THIS WEEK.

< themesong >< /themesong >

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