Sunday, March 14, 2010

Might I firstly say, I feel totally claustrophobic at my desk right now. Busy desks are quite counter-productive to the work mentality, I’ve discovered. Nonetheless I’ve gone as far as seating myself at my desk and downloading PS Pad, so that I can well and truly begin building HTML for assessment A. This is in fact progress, I am once step closer to completing this assessment, despite how small that step is, I feel proud, but luckily not so proud that I’m deluded into thinking I’ve done enough for today. For me this afternoon is going to be plagued by trial, error and constructing code. I must say, I’m actually looking forward to it.

Shocked? So is your humble narrator.

I’ve finally settled on my topic of interest, the topic that this website is going to revolve around, and that is the wonderful world of the sims community. Why? Well quite frankly it is one that so much information can be divulged on, it is one that few people, including many sims players, know exist. It is a place that thrives on drama and failure and neon colour. Ultimately I was bound to head in this direction, if not specifically the sims community than another beneath the web community umbrella, seeing as the majority of my webbing time revolves around lurking on forums, blogs, or networking sites. Initially I had tossed up the notion of fame or notoriety within the online community. The idea was too broad and too centralised within the art-based communities, seeing as that is where my experience lies. I also think it would be difficult to work this into an “exhibition” format, and too subjective to be the focus of a reference site. Similarly the idea of exploring the “art online” had too many subgenres to cover, so ultimately and more specifically I settled on the community surrounding the Maxis, EA phenomenon, The Sims.

Within the community there are many areas to report on; I hope to include some of the following: the creator, the content, the forums, the artistic purpose and the drama.

In terms of planning, this is where the conversation comes to a close. I’m hoping that in practice I will further develop the format of my exhibition and discover some neat tricks along the way.

Edit: I've been glancing at other blogs, and let me just say that some of them are fantastic, so much in fact that my measly little place on the web seems incredibly inferior.

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